5 Life-Changing Principles That Transformed My Journey: Unveiling Essentialism

The Minimalist Man
4 min readApr 4, 2024


As humans, we often lose sight of our life’s purpose, constantly pursuing fleeting moments of happiness instead of embracing a more fulfilling existence. Essentialism empowers you to discover what genuinely holds meaning for you in life.

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1. Embrace Simplicity:

Essentialism says it’s good to keep things simple. That means focusing on what’s really important and getting rid of things that distract you. Simplifying your life means getting rid of stuff you don’t need, both physical things and stuff in your head that takes up space. When you have fewer things to worry about, you make room for the things that make you happy. This simple way of living helps you use your time and energy on things that matter most, making your life more meaningful and enjoyable.

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Our focus arises from the questions we ask ourselves, such as:

  1. How can I make my life easier and less chaotic?
  2. What else could I do with the time, money, and space I’d save if I didn’t buy this?
  3. How can I appreciate what I already own instead of wanting more?
  4. What makes me happiest, and how can I make sure I do more of those things?

2. Value Quality Over Quantity

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Essentialism teaches us to care more about quality than quantity. Instead of having lots of things, essentialists believe it’s better to have fewer things that are really good. That includes possessions, experiences, and relationships. When you focus on quality, you feel more satisfied and happy overall. This way of thinking helps you make better choices and appreciate the things that truly make your life better.

It does not matter if you have 1 T-shirt or 10 T-shirts. If those shirts do not provide happiness after you wear them. then you know that you need to get rid of those things.

3. Practice Mindfulness

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Mindfulness is an essential aspect of embracing essentialism. By practising mindfulness, you can become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions in the present moment. This heightened awareness enables you to make intentional choices aligned with your values and priorities. Mindfulness fosters a deeper connection with yourself and others, leading to more meaningful interactions and experiences. By incorporating mindfulness into your daily life, you can cultivate a greater sense of clarity, purpose, and contentment.

4. Set Clear Boundaries:

Photo by Rob Wicks on Unsplash

Essentialism emphasizes setting clear boundaries to protect your time, energy, and resources. By establishing boundaries, you can prioritize your commitments and avoid overextending yourself. This allows you to focus on the activities and relationships that align with your goals and values. Setting boundaries also empowers you to say no to distractions and obligations that do not contribute to your overall well-being. By respecting your boundaries, you can cultivate a greater sense of balance, fulfillment, and effectiveness in all areas of your life.

5. Foster Gratitude:

Essentialism encourages cultivating a mindset of gratitude to appreciate the essential aspects of life. By focusing on what you have rather than what you lack, you can foster a sense of abundance and contentment. Practising gratitude allows you to recognize the value and significance of the people, experiences, and opportunities present in your life.

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This mindset shift can lead to greater overall happiness and fulfillment, as you learn to cherish the essentials and find joy in the simple moments.

Key Lessons:

These Lessons can make our life simpler, but happier life where we appreciate the important things and find joy in simple moments.

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The Minimalist Man

The Minimalist man embraces minimalism and enjoys writing about things that matter in life.